"Mister Scrooge to See You" visit Ebenezer Scrooge one year after the original Dickens' classic "A Christmas Carol" takes place. Scrooge (Played by film, television, and stage actor David Ruprecht) is sent on a journey...
Enjoy a collection of four fun, entertaining, and uplifting movies from Salty Earth Pictures! "Journey to Paradise" "Mister Scrooge to See You" "The Return" and "The Open Door."
Special Offer for Cast, Crew, Volunteers, Supporters and Friends of Salty Earth Pictures. Get a 24 x 36 Movie Poster for Salty Earth Pictures' movie Stand in the Gap! If you order now, they will...
Sam is a young man with special needs. A family tragedy forces Sam to leave home and movie in with his sister Madison. Sam and Madison are less than happy about their new unwanted situation....
"Behold, I have set before you an open door, and no man can shut it." - Revelations 3:8 Sam (Michael Jeske) is a young man with special needs. A family tragedy forces Sam to leave...